About Us
We provide high quality cars

Who we are

Prudent Plus Group of Companies is strongly committed to providing its staff and referred  customers with variety of business options :  Auto-rickshaws ( Keke), bikes, cements, computers, medicines,  foods and beverages and  loan.

PPGC priotizes her customers so dearly . We see our customers as people with  capabilities , skills and knowledge to excel in business and if there is any hurdle, we take care of it...

We  help business minded, determined, trustworthy and relaible Liberians achieve their business goals. We remove all hurdles in their ways. 

Prudent Plus Group of companies provides financial assistance for Liberians who yearn to travel to other countries for stable, better life.

We love what we do and are passionate about helping our clients and staff  be successful. 

Our Aims and Objectives

The general nature of the Business to be transacted by the Corporation shall be to engage in any lawful act or activity permitted under the Liberian Associations Code including the followings:

  1. To engage in the importation, sale and rental of vehicle, tricycles(kehkeh) and motorbike services and financial installment payment for ownership to lessee.
  2. To provide financial services to assist Liberians becomes independent
  3. To provide financial services/assistance and traveling support needs for Liberians.
  4. To engage in the provision of affidavit of support services for organization members to enable them travel overseas for education and other services.
  5. To engage in the importation and sale of drugs, furniture, cement, rice clothing and electronics devices.
  6. To engage in real estate services (design, construction, renovation rental and other civil work activities
  7. To do any and all such other acts and activities, engage in any and all other businesses and perform any and all other functions as a corporation in Liberia may legally and lawfully do and perform
  8. To engage in foods and beverages.


 The birth of prudent plus took place in MONROVIA, Liberia on August 20th, 2020 as a result of business options assessment in Liberia and through the efforts and dreams of its sole founder, Michael Gonkerwon Siaway Sr. Prudent Plus Group of Companies had been actively and vibrantly operating for  two years. The company’s leadership comprises of five board members and six active staff.  The company has its headquarter in Monrovia, Liberia and with other sub- branches in KOLKATA, India and WILLINGARA, Gambia.


The Mission of Prudent Plus Group of Companies is to help citizens and trust- worthy customers to achieve their dreams and ambitions in business by providing them personal loans  on payment plans;  bikes and auto rickshaw on WORK and PAY basis through legal commitment, promissory notes and contract documents.


Prudent Plus Group of Companies envisions a community where staff, customers or clients, and citizens are valued and supported to accomplish their desired dreams and goals in business. Prudent Plus Group of Companies strives to provide affidavit of support to staff seeking higher education abroad; financial assistance for job related events, seminars, trainings, conferences, etc. Write invites and bank statement for staff and customers with ardent needs.

Thinking fresh for our staff is still our focus, and our customers are at our hearts of everything we do


Respect, Honesty, Dignity, Trust, Team work, Commitment, Responsibility for our business, for ourselves and for our Communities.


PPGC believes that all fellowmen be treated fairly and with true justice. Prudent Plus’  Policies stipulate that  staff and clients interested in borrowing a loan or getting items from PP must do so by filling in an application with the appropriate fee. And all applications will be absorbed or handled and reviewed  in the order they arrived and/or are written. PPGC serves its client/customer on a “first come first serve” basis. For example… If Dahn  applied for a bike and Wuo the second client applied for a 200$ loan…Dahn will be served before Wuo. It’s not the amount or item PPGC looks at.. PPGC reviews and serves its client in the order the two applications arrived. Wait period can take 2- 6 weeks. PPGC does not have control over circumstances.

PPGC policies stipulates that staff and clients interested in borrowing a loan can do so at anytime but must have track records with the company 

PPGC serves it client/customer on a " First come first serve basis.."

 PPGC reviews and serves clients in the order the two applicants arrived.




  1. Start loan for all staff is 1000$ increase by 250$ on second loan
  2. Two months free. 15% interest on loan in 6 months. Loan jumps to 30% interest after 6 months
  3. Second loan decreases by 40% if loan is not paid off on time

non staff

  1. Start loan for non- staff is 600$  with 20 %interest for 1-3 months; 30%interest for 4-6 months; 35 %interest for 7-9 ; and 40%interest for 10-12 months.



  1. Bike given to staff on a “work and pay” basis will go for 15 % interest for 1-3 months and 28% interest for 4-6 months
  2. Auto rickshaw (keke) given to staff on a “work and pay” basis will go for 25% interest for 1-6 months and 32% interest for 7-10 months. 35% interest on all documents processed for staff by PPGC.

Non staff

  1. Bike given to non staff/customer on a “ work and pay” term will go for 20% interest for 1-3 months and 35% interest for 4-6 months.
  2. Auto rickshaw (keke) given to customer/client on a “ work and pay” term will go for 30% interest 1-6 months and 36% interest for 7-10 months. 42% interest on all documents processed for customers/clients by PPGC


For now, PPGC is operating and compensating staff on a volunteer or pro-bonos basis. Staff willing to work for PP on a volunteer or pro bonos will receive all of the benefits:40$ cash for accident or emergency room visit; 150$for hospitalization after three days; cash compensation of 130$ toward school, conference/event registration/admission fee; affidavit of support for higher education outside of Liberia or abroad; and a loan in the amount of 500$ cash maximum for flight ticket outside of Liberia. The loan is given for 6 months with 15% interest. Staff must have no pre -existing loan to get this loan. All job related trainings, seminars, conferences, etc will be sponsored by PPGC.

Staff looking for an employment with PPGC can make his/her request known through an official letter. PP will review the application and get back to staff within  7-10 business days. 

If a staff is hired, he or she will be paid monthly with the amount of 100$  or a 12% discount on every weekly payment from a referred customer/client. Pay or salary will increase base on performance, trust, commitment and time spent with company. For the most part, commitment, trust and performance take preeminence.  Staff will buy benefit package in this case.



Prudent Plus Group of Companies is strongly committed to providing its staff and refer.....

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